paysages, corps, couleurs, matières, vitesses en arts plastiques, en numérique.
2020 (2013-2020), video 13'00''
Compressions dansantes vidéo
7 monobandes vidéo éditées à 250 exemplaires
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En volant de Paris à Milan, on survole les Alpes, et de temps en temps, on a la chance de voir les plus hauts sommets enneigés, dégagés de l'épaisse couche nuageuse. Et c'est magique de voir les mille feux du soleil projeter tant de couleur sur les montagnes.
Cette pièce est la treizième que je réalise autour des Alpes. Je suis né en France à Grenoble, au pieds de la chaine montagneuse. Mais ma famille n'est pas restée dans la région. Ces montagnes me manquent. Alors je les ramène autant que je peux dans mon quotidien.
Disponible à la vente uniquement sur sédition.
13ALPS01 Thirteenth Alps n°1, Red berry, raw sienna, Indian yellow and red, 13’06’’
13ALPS02 Thirteenth Alps n°2, Sandstorm yellow, manz, mindaro, corduroy and bronze, 13’19’’
13ALPS03 Thirteenth Alps n°3, Anzac, yellow, turmeric and mindaro green, 13’17’’
13ALPS04 Thirteenth Alps n°4, Tamarillo, petite orchid pink, apricot and tulip tree yellow, 13’17’’
13ALPS05 Thirteenth Alps n°5, Old rose, brick red, amaranth and fuchsia blue, 13’28’’
13ALPS06 Thirteenth Alps n°6, Shiraz, light crimson, pink pearl, carmine pink, wenge and carolina blue, 13’26’’
13ALPS07 Thirteenth Alps n°7, Jaffa, copper, half dutch white, green mist, sandal and Kashmir blue, 15’02’’
This video is a recording of a new generative work by the artist. Only seven variations have been captured; seven exceptional moments that remain the only traces of this piece, erased by the artist once the videos were recorded. This series is the artist's thirteenth project dedicated to the Alps chain, which he passionately continues to film year after year.
From a randomly drawn colour, the images slide into each other, taking with them colours and materials in their grooves as they go. Everything that happens in the image is the result of their technical peculiarity, it is by working within the video compression encoding that the images acquire this porosity.
”Flying from Paris to Milan, you fly over the Alps, and from time to time you have the chance to see the highest snow-covered peaks, clear of the thick cloud cover. It's magical to see the thousand lights of the sun projecting so much colour on the mountains.
This is the thirteenth piece I've done around the Alps. I was born in Grenoble, France, at the foot of the mountain range. But my family didn't stay in the region. I miss these mountains. So I bring them back as much as I can in my daily life." - Jacques Perconte.
Cette pièce fait partie d'une série. La plupart du temps une série s'attache à un paysage, à une région. Il y a une certaine unité géographique.
Some rights reserved jacquesperconte © specific mentioned producers
But shared with love.