paysages, corps, couleurs, matières, vitesses en arts plastiques, en numérique.
Festival sons d’hiver
La fenêtre d’un appartement à Rotterdam nous mène aux abords d’un port industriel, machine stridente et dévorante qui déverse ses flammes. Devant ce spectacle infernal et métallique, l’horizon apparaît obstrué. Les usines sidérurgiques transforment la matière en fumée et les bateaux naviguent contre vents et marées. Au-dessus des crissements du métal et des édifices qui percent le ciel : le silence et l’envol des oiseaux ne sont plus qu’une hypothèse.
The window of an apartment in Rotterdam leads us to the outskirts of an industrial port, a strident and devouring machine that pours out its flames. In front of this infernal and metallic spectacle, the horizon appears obstructed. The steel factories transform the material into smoke, and the boats sail against winds and tides. Above the metal and the buildings that pierce the sky: silence and the flight of and the flight of birds are only a hypothesis.
Film : Jacques Perconte
Music : Julien Desprez
Voices : Myriem Bayad & Jacques Perconte
♥ Julien and Jacques warmly thanks Myriem Bayad, and very very warmly thanks Fabien Simon and all the team of the sons d’hiver festival for this commission.
Julien : This piece was made with electronics, electric bow, guitar and podorrhythmia (foot rhythm) ♥ Special thanks to Gauthier Deplaude and Naxos Bobine
Jacques : Filmed in Rotterdam (2018 - 2021) ♥ Special thanks to Era Vati and Taja van der Does, Gritta Ewald for helping with translations.
Si le feu de la terre s’élève au dessus des mers,
Si le ciel s’obscurcit et si le vent souffle,
Si les transports sont à l’arrêt,
Si l’énergie manque,
Si tout s’arrête,
Et que l’on a encore plus peur,
Si l’argent s’efface,
Si nos maisons ne nous abritent plus,
Si l’on ne voit plus ce qui est beau,
Si l’on n’aime plus ce qui ne sert à rien,
Si on laisse faire,
Si on lâche,
Si le silence,
Si la paix
Si la colère
Si la guerre
Si tout va bien
Si le silence
From these blood-soaked factories, a scent of sulfur and metal emanates, while the architecture of buildings under construction evokes the matrix-like nature of the digital image. Perconte's video compressions mirror the industrial structure of these edifices. Unlike his previous films, this time, the spectre of devouring industrialization infuses the film’s form, from camera tremors to editing effects. Accompanied by Julien Desprez’s electro-acoustic score, the film shifts from impressionism to futurism, revealing technology's potential dysfunction.
Whereas most of Perconte’s films explore the natural world, here we are travelling through an urban landscape in Rotterdam. Starting off from a window, during a rainy night, the film takes us to an industrial port, along with its smoky machines, its metallic straight lines and tall towers. Reds are strident and intense, blue-greens overflow and the horizon at first is absent. All this evokes human activities, but the slow camera movements reveal no-one, until looking way above the buildings, birds take over and seem to guide the camera.
Fcdep, 2023 Some Would Like To Rage, Simon Baudry, Camille
Jacques Perconte, le cinéaste qui ensorcelle les pixels, Vaz, Robin
SileSilence, Jacques Perconte, Brunie, Corentin
Silesilence, Morel, Josué
Le fond de l'air est rouge, Lê, Corentin
Cette pièce fait partie d'une série. La plupart du temps une série s'attache à un paysage, à une région. Il y a une certaine unité géographique.
Some rights reserved jacquesperconte © specific mentioned producers
But shared with love.